Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy focuses on aiding and improving independence for an individual in their daily life tasks. These tasks are the “occupations” they engage in on any given day. It may include getting dressed, preparing a meal, completing household chores, or engaging in a hobby. When impairments, illness, or difficulties prevent an individual in completing their daily tasks, occupational therapy can help. 

How does occupational therapy relate to children?

No matter the age, everyone has occupations they engage in throughout the day. Pediatric occupational therapy will focus on the occupations of children and what is appropriate for their age. This can include dressing, feeding, personal hygiene, sustained attention, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills, and play.

Contact Information: 

Phone: [ 435-817-9185 ]

Email: [ mikayla@pillartherapy.com ]